
Home > Fresh Home > Ultimate Odor Remover™

How I Turned My Smoker's Home Fresh Again Without Costly Renovations or Hours of Cleaning...

By Jessica Lloyd | Oct 16, 2023 | 11:11 am EDT

The familiar scent of smoke has lingered around me for over 40 years.

I was just a young woman when I took that first drag, and my husband soon followed suit.

We tried to quit, again and again.

But each attempt ended in familiar defeat.

Life's stresses were our excuses, and cigarettes became our crutch.

As age set in, stepping outside to smoke became tedious.

So, we turned to our windows and cooker hood for refuge.

It became our secret corner, away from the world's prying eyes.

I knew it wasn't right, but I had only two options: quit or continue smoking indoors.

I Was Drowning In My Own Habit...

But then, an unsettling realization hit me. The musky scent wasn't just on us – it clung to everything.

The scent of smoke clung to my clothes. Even my hair announced my vice.

Furniture, once fresh, reeked of cigarettes. Walls, my pride, stained yellow.

My living room's light seemed dimmer. Darkness, not from night, but from the smoke cloud.

My sanctuary felt more like a suffocating cell.


Every corner of my home echoed my regrets.

If your home feels like this, you're not alone. The weight of smoke can be crushing.

But it doesn't have to be your reality.

I understand you might believe that smoke odors, built up over years, are challenging to remove. That's often true. However, there's a straightforward solution.

The Smoke That Drove Them Away - Even My Closest Ones...

I remember the day clearly.

It was my granddaughter's 5th birthday.

I had baked a cake, decorated the living room, and was eagerly waiting for her arrival.

The moment she stepped in, her face contorted in disgust.

"What's that smell, grandma?" she asked, covering her nose.

I tried to shrug it off, acting like I hadn't noticed the stench that had become a part of my home.

But deep inside, it stung.

Then came the day my best friend visited after years.

We had planned a cozy evening, reminiscing old memories.

But not long after she arrived, she made an excuse to leave. Later, she confessed the smoke odor was unbearable.

It wasn't just the smell.

It was the barrier it created, pushing away those I loved the most.

The walls of my home, tainted yellow, became walls between me and my loved ones.

I felt isolated, embarrassed, and deeply hurt, all because of the lingering shadow of my habit.

The Most Frustrating Part Was, I Was Doing Everything But Nothing Seemed to Work...

I've tried everything under the sun.

Desperate attempts to clear the oppressive smoke smell.

Someone suggested, "Leave the windows open for three nights." It was a foolish advice. Didn't make a dent.

I turned to countless candles, hoping for a miracle.

Even tried the old vinegar in a bowl trick.

But nothing seemed to work.

I was at my wit's end.

Called several home cleaning services. Quoted over $600 just for a deep clean.

And the worst part? No guarantees on completely eradicating the smoke odors.

Every solution fell short.

My struggle felt never-ending.

After 69 hours of research and hundreds of cigarettes smoked, I found something interesting and decided to try it...

“Don’t Even Think About the Home Cleaning Services! Do This Instead!”

I stumbled upon various forum posts about removing smoke odors.

There was this man, Jonathan.

He had struggled, just like me, to cleanse his home of that stubborn smoke smell.

Jonathan mentioned he had tried almost everything. But then, a friend with a house cleaning business gave him a tip.

He spoke of a unique device called Ozzie.

Not your typical air purifier.

Instead of merely filtering or temporarily masking the air, Ozzie produces ozone.

This Ozone, he said, destroys every foul-smelling molecule.

Jonathan claimed it cleared the smoke odor from his kitchen, a room he had smoked in for over a decade.

Jonathan mentioned that this device was well under $100, so I was eager to find it and give it a try!

I sent Jonathan a direct message asking where I could order this device.

The very next day, he replied with a website address where I could purchase it.

Without hesitation, I went to the website and ordered three units because the price was so reasonable compared to how much I had spent on odor removal before.

The secret to the Ozzie Odor Remover is the breakthrough technology...

That eliminates bad-smelling air molecules instantly...

This patented technology creates Ozone (O₃) that actively destroys odors and pollutants, offering a solution far superior to merely masking bad smells.

You'll notice the results in as little as 20 minutes!

It effectively eliminates any odor, be it smoke, pet scents, or any other unwanted smell.

Do you know that refreshing scent in the air after a summer rain when the sun begins to shine again?

It's mesmerizing. And that's precisely the invigorating aroma Ozzie will bring to your room.

The best part?

Ozzie is compact and light, designed specifically for household use.

And there's no need to replace filters or add liquids. Simply charge and go.

I purchased three Ozzies for my own use - one for each room I wish to sterilize.

For more stronger odors or larger spaces, I suggest using multiple Ozzies at once.

Now my home has never smelled fresher!

Ozzie's magic isn't limited to rooms - it even revives my clothes.

Recently, when friends visited, they couldn't help but notice the transformation from a smoky ambiance to a crisp freshness. Needless to say, I pointed them towards Ozzie.

I spent precious moments with my loved ones. As they left, smiling, I was moved to tears.

They were tears of joy and victory...

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5 Years of Pain, Shame, And Embarrassment Were Erased in Just 20 Minutes a Day!

*Video of Ozzie destroying cigarette smoke in under 2 minutes.

Ozzie has been nothing short of a game-changer in my life.

I still vividly remember coming across Jonathan's post on the forum, where he sang praises of this magical device.

To say I'm grateful for his recommendation is an understatement.

A huge shoutout to Ozzie Technologies for crafting such a revolutionary product.

Now, I find myself using Ozzie several times a week, ensuring that my home stays fresh and inviting.

Despite the winter chill setting in, I haven't resumed my outdoor smoking habits. The cold winds make it unbearable to step outside, but thanks to Ozzie, I can comfortably smoke indoors without worrying about the lingering odors.

My home remains an inviting space, and my friends and family frequently visit, always commenting on how fresh and clean my home smells.

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Here's How It Works

Ozzie works with a silent corona discharge technique. It uses electric discharge to produce ozone by splitting the normal oxygen molecules in the air into single atoms. These atoms then attach to other O2 molecules in the air to form ozone (O3).

Once the ozone is produced, it reacts with a pollutant, bacteria, virus, or mold and breaks it down into less complex (and typically less harmful) molecules through a process called oxidation. Ozone that has not reacted with other molecules will decompose into oxygen over time. Ozonation destroys odors and disinfects the air, water, and other materials. It has even been approved by the USDA and FDA for use on food.

A Whopping 95% of Verified Users Reported Instant Odor Removal...

If you check out Ozzie’s website, you will find thousands of reviews from people who were able to put an end to bad odors with this device.

To read more reviews and order your Ozzie, visit their website.

Try Your Ozzie For 90 Days Risk-Free With The 90-Day Money-Back Guarantee!

Experience complete odor removal in your home or car! Say HELLO to fresh and healthy air!

Ozzie Technologies is offering an emotional promise to you: a full 90-day money-back guarantee.

If you use Ozzie for JUST 20-90 minutes a day...

You WILL get rid of even the strongest odors in your home or car!

Click the button below and check the availability

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Still on the fence?

Imagine this: Your home WILL smell as fresh as a spring morning.

And you'll rediscover the joy of a home free from stubborn odors, welcoming guests with pride.

And if not?

… If not, every single penny you invested will be returned to you.

If you’re not absolutely ecstatic about the clean, fresh scent Ozzie brings to your space, Ozzie Technologies doesn’t want your money. No hassles, no questions asked.

If those persistent odors aren’t replaced by a refreshing, pure ambiance, they promise to return 100 percent of your purchase price.

Simply reach out to their dedicated customer support team at

You truly have nothing to lose.

Click the button below and check the availability.

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Wilma Devon

Can anybody vouch for this?

· Reply ·  2 · 2 d

Mary Vernon

I love it. Easy to use and easy instructions. Perfect to remove cigarette smoke odors.

· Reply ·   · 2 d

Doris Skylar

I bought mine for the full price and now its 50% off? That's not fair!

· Reply ·  1 · 3 d

Skyler Greig

How long does shipping take??

· Reply ·   · 4 d

Marie Campbell

Hey Skyler, got mine after a week.

· Reply ·  1 · 3 d

Leonard Boyd

I absolutely love this device! I purchased a car from a previous owner who was a smoker, and the vehicle had a potent cigarette smoke odor. I decided to give Ozzie a try. After just one use, I noticed a significant reduction in the smoke smell. Two days later, I used Ozzie in my car again, and it completely eliminated the smoke odors! Driving in a smoke-free car feels so much better. I had previously spent $300 on deep cleaning with no results. This product is definitely worth its price.

· Reply ·  12 · 6 d

Emma Emerson

Hey Lois, this is what you need to remove smoke odors from your rental properties instead of paying thousands for cleaning services.

· Reply ·   · 7 d

Lois Clive

Thank you sis! I just ordered 4pcs, hope they work!

· Reply ·   · 7 d

Alfred Johnson

Did you buy one, how long does it take to get it

· Reply ·  2 · 1 w

Edith Ashton

Yes they work very good! For me 7 business days.

· Reply ·  1 · 1 w

Debra Peyton

Cool device. I bought it for my apartment because my husband (RIP) smoked here for 15 years, so cigarette odors are very strong here. After using Ozzie for a few times I have definitely noticed a difference in air freshness. Hope smoke odors will go away completely after using it for a longer time. Will update yall here.

· Reply ·   · 1 w

Paula Remington

Wow looks amazing, does anyone actually have one and has it been tested?

· Reply ·   · 1 w

Sarah Dudley

Yes, It comes well packed and I have used this for several weeks. I purchased it to get rid of my dog`s odors. Removes even urine smell :)😇

· Reply ·  7 · 1 w

Agnes Graeme

I just ordered mine! Cannot wait for it.

· Reply ·  1 · 2 w

Barbara Bradly

I want one so bad but I need to wait until next week for my paycheck...

· Reply ·   · 2 w

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